If we take man as he is we make him worse, but if we take man as he should be we make him capable of becoming what he can be.
— Victor Frankl

Achiev­ing break­through results is a mat­ter of choice, delib­er­ate inten­tion and an inno­v­a­tive plan of attack.

Here's what we do

We provide a step-by-step methodology and a pow­er­ful frame­work for results-based inno­va­tion. Bold new ideas AND timely execution. This process expands individ­ual and orga­ni­za­tional contribution, and brings about significant cultural change within your organization.  

  • We offer world-class leadership conference design and production, as well as web-based business communications campaigns.
  • We sup­port every­one who has the courage to make bold declarations and bring about big change for the better.

And here is what we believe

Suc­cess today requires cre­ativ­ity.  A recent study of 1,541 CEO’s titled, IBM’s Global Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer Study 2010, deter­mined that the most impor­tant lead­er­ship qual­ity needed to deal with today’s com­plex envi­ron­ment is cre­ativ­ity that leads to suc­cess­ful inno­va­tion.

Non-creative behav­ior is learned.  We have access to far greater lev­els of cre­ativ­ity than we use as adults. Cre­ativ­ity can be encour­aged or sup­pressed by the envi­ron­ments cre­ated by leaders.

You and the orga­ni­za­tion have what you need.  We reject the notion that you 'have it or you don’t.' Inno­va­tion and great performance comes from a deliberate design of continually challenging what is con­sid­ered possible.

Break­through level change is organic, not a big bang.  Rad­i­cal results do not require radical changes. We can cul­ti­vate capa­bil­ity and pace changes as your orga­ni­za­tion is prepared to digest them.

Great per­for­mances come from delib­er­ate design.  We help you create extraordinary results through activities and action planning specif­i­cally designed to move you past old habits and into a zone for learn­ing and devel­op­ment. We have a broad list of clients that have realized the power of our leadership training tools. To get started with The Kakushin Institute, contact us today.